Cyclone Idai left many people with no families in Chimanimani, thus increasing the number of orphans and widows in the area.
Armour of Valour saw the need, after realizing that these people fight poverty on a daily basis and partnered with local Pastors to start a poultry project. It is our vision as Armour of Valour to see restoration of these communities by helping one life at a time.

The Chimanimani Chicken Project
The Ophans and Widows of Chipinge want to take this opportunity to thank Armour of Valour for donating 50 Chicken Layers for the Project.
We are benefiting a lot from the Project though not much, but half a loaf is better than nothing. Hopefully if funds permit, we are planning to increase the number of chickens from the current 47 birds to about between 100-150 birds. However the project is going on well.
Handover of the chicken